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- SuperView, A IFF display program. by David Grothe V 2.1
- *
- * Copyright 1988 by David Grothe
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is Shareware, if you use this program
- * please send $10 to:
- *
- * David Grothe
- * 20 SW 39th
- * Okla City, OK 73109
- *
- * You may pass the program around as long as this Doc file
- * remains a part of it.
- *
- * If you would like to distribute this program with your
- * software, you must contact me first.
- *
- SuperView is a program that will display IFF pictures of all types
- on the Amiga. The program supports the following features:
- Multiple files on one command line.
- WorkBench (icons) are supported.
- All display modes supported.
- Auto Overscan
- Color Cycle ( DPaint and GraphiCraft types) CRNG CCRT
- AmigaBasic ACBM type files
- Author chunk is supported
- Displays the first cell in a ANIM file
- Written in Assembly, PURE code that can be resident under 1.3
- New for version 2.1
- Display options that include the following:
- -a Suppress Author Text
- -c Suppress Color Cycling
- -d <dir> Display all pictures in a directory
- -f <file> Read a text file for picture names
- -h<n> Change the display height of a picture
- -l List picture information
- -m<x> Select view modes.
- -o Override the Auto Overscan
- -p Disables Pointer Clearing
- -r Repeat command line
- -s<n> Display picture for n seconds
- -t[<n>] Double buffer pictures
- -u Dual Playfield
- -w<n> Change the display width
- -x<n> Change the position of the display area x
- -y<n> Change the position of the display area y
- Also new to version 2.1 is:
- Smooth transition between pictures.
- Color Cycling continues while next picture is loaded.
- Scroll around in large pictures.
- Pointer Clearing during picture viewing.
- Overscan sizing and positioning has also been improved.
- New controls:
- Left Mouse Button Scrolls around in a picture
- Right Mouse Button Continues to next picture
- Spacebar Starts and stops the color cycling
- ESC Aborts the command line
- Using SuperView from WorkBench.
- SuperView has a complete WorkBench (Icon) interface built in.
- To use SuperView from WorkBench, you must have an icon for your picture.
- Most all paint programs build icons for you as you save a picture, so
- this should not be a problem. There are two ways to view pictures at
- this point. The easy way is to click once on the picture icon, hold
- down the shift key, and then double click the SuperView icon. You can
- reverse this and click once on the SuperView icon and double click your
- picture icon. To view more that one picture, you hold down the shift
- key and click each picture that you want to show and the SuperView icon.
- You don't have to select the icons in any kind of order as long as you
- double click the last icon you select. The pictures will be displayed
- in the order that you select them. You can also make the picture icon
- itself run SuperView by putting SuperView in the default tool of the
- icon. This way you can just double click the picture icon to view it.
- For a detailed description of how this is done, see the article in
- Ami Exchange Mag V1.4.
- After the picture is loaded from workbench, you can stop and start the
- color cycling with the spacebar, hold down the left mouse button to
- scroll around in a large bitmap picture, press the right mouse button
- to go to the next picture, or press the ESC key to abort. Pressing the
- ESC key will remove the current picture and cancel out any pictures that
- you had selected that you have not viewed yet.
- Using SuperView from the CLI
- Here is where the real power of SuperView comes out.
- From the CLI, you can choose many display options that allow you to
- view a picture in different ways. The command line from the CLI is
- 1> SuperView [option[...]] <fileName> [[option[...]] <fileName>]....
- You can use up to 255 characters on the command line.
- Here is a list of the options and how to use them.
- -a Suppress Author Text
- If you use this option, no Author text will be displayed from the AUTH
- chunk in the IFF file.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -a Mickey
- -c Suppress Color Cycling
- This option will prevent the picture from color cycling. If you use this
- option, the spacebar will not start color cycling.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -c Spray
- -d <dir> Display all pictures in a directory
- The -d option will take the name of a directory instead of a picture
- name and display every picture that if finds in that directory.
- SuperView will overlook files that are not pictures, so you wont have
- to worry about having non-picture files in the directory. Any options
- that you select before the directory name will stay in effect for each
- picture in the directory. After the directory has been displayed,
- SuperView will continue on with the rest of the command line. This
- option works well with the -s option.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -d df0:
- 1> SuperView -s10 -c -d df0:
- 1> SuperView -s10 -d -a df1: -r
- -f <file> Read a text file for picture names
- This option will read a text file and use it as a script to display
- pictures. The format of the file is the same as the format of each
- picture on the command line.
- Example:
- -a Mickey
- -s10 MyPicture
- -d -s10 -c df0:
- GreatPic
- -x200 -y100 BigPic
- Each picture in the file can have its own options. When all of the files
- have been displayed, SuperView will continue with the rest of the
- command line.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -f MyScript
- 1> SuperView -f MyScript -r
- 1> SuperView -f MyScript -s10 Spray
- -h<n> Change the display height of a picture
- -w<n> Change the display width
- These two options change the display size of a picture. You can use one
- or both of them on a picture. These options change the display size of
- the picture, not the size of the picture. If you tell it to use a
- smaller display size than the picture is, you will be able to scroll
- around in the smaller display area. The best way to under stand this may
- be to try it.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -w320 -h200 Mickey
- 1> SuperView -w320 -h200 -m Mickey
- 1> SuperView -w200 -h100 -x60 -y50 Spray
- -l List picture information
- If you want to know the size of a picture, or if it is HAM or HalfBrite,
- then this is your option. This will list out the size of the display
- area, the size of the picture, what type of file it is (ILBM, ACBM,
- ANIM), any display modes, number of colors and bit planes.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -l Mickey
- 1> SuperView -l -s10 Mickey
- 1> SuperView -l -w400 Mickey
- If you want to save this information to disk or printer, you may
- redirect the output:
- 1> SuperView >Prt: -d -l df1:
- This line will show each picture on drive df1: and list the information
- to the printer.
- -m<x> Select view modes
- h = HAM
- r = HiRes
- l =Lace
- b = HalfBrite
- This will allow you to change any display modes that you want. The
- display modes that are supported are, Hi-Res (640 display),
- Lace (interlace), HAM (Hold And Modify), and Extra-HalfBrite. If you
- just select -m option without any letters following it, all modes will be
- cleared. If the modes are clear, you will get a standard lo-res screen.
- This is good for taking a Hi-Res, Lace picture and making it Lo-Res.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -w320 -h200 -m Mickey
- 1> SuperView -w320 -h200 -ml Mickey
- This will give you a 320 X 200 picture of Mickey that you can scroll
- around in.
- -o Override the Auto Overscan
- This will cause SuperView to display the picture exactly like the IFF
- file said to. No attempt to size or place the picture is made.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -o Spray
- -p Disables Pointer Clearing
- If you don't want your pointer to disappear when showing the picture,
- then use this option.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -p Mickey
- -r Repeat command line
- This will cause SuperView to repeat the command line in a loop. With
- this option, the -s and -d or -f options, you can make a slide show.
- This is the only option that you put after everything else and everything
- past the -r is ignored. The only way to stop this is to hit the ESC key.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView Mickey Spray -r
- 1> SuperView -s10 Mickey -s5 Spray -r
- -s<n> Display picture for n seconds
- This option will remove the picture after n seconds. You can still
- continue by pressing the right mouse button or ESC key. This option
- and the -d option work well together.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -s10 Mickey
- 1> SuperView -s10 -d df1:
- -t[<n>] Double Buffer
- This option will take two (default) or more pictures and cycle them to the
- front at a rate of 60 times per second. This may not seem useful, but
- there are some reasons for including it. Double Buffering is mostly used
- to hide the area that you are drawing in until it is ready to be displayed.
- Most of the time it is a animation. Durring some test with Double Buffering
- I found that if you swap complete screens, you can also change the colors.
- Try this, load up a paint program, make a red (filled) box in the middle
- of the screen. Now save this as pic1. Next change the box to blue and
- save as pic2. Then type the following line
- 1> SuperView -t pic1 pic2
- Notice that the box is now a different color. This is real useful in
- smoothing out pictures and you can make it look like you have more than
- 32 colors on the screen at once. More info on how to use this option
- will be made available on the AmigaLine BBS at (405) 354-8061 including
- a way to make Hi-Res 4096 color photos from the amiga.
- If you want to buffer more than two pictures, supply the number of
- pictures after the -t option like
- 1> SuperView -t4 pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4
- -u Dual Playfield
- Did you ever wonder what dual playfield was like. Well with this option,
- you can take any two pictures that are three bit planes (or less) and
- display them in dual playfield mode. After the picture is displayed,
- you can scroll around in each picture (if the picture is larger than the
- screen). To do this, hold down the left mouse button and slide the mouse
- around. The back ground picture will scroll, now release the button and
- hold it down again, this time the front picture will scroll. Each time
- you press the left button the scrolling picture will change. To use this
- option, type in the fore ground picture first and then the back ground
- picture like
- 1> SuperView -u pic1 pic2
- -x<n> Change the position of the display area x
- -y<n> Change the position of the display area y
- The -x and -y options are used to position the display area on the screen.
- For overscan, you need to shift the picture to the left and up from the
- normal 0x 0y so you use -x-16 to shift left and -y-8 to shift up. Also,
- if you want to change the display size with the -w and -h options, you
- can center the smaller screen with these options.
- Example:
- 1> SuperView -x20 -y10 Mickey
- 1> SuperView -w200 -h100 -x60 -y50 Spray
- If you have any problems with the program, you can leave me a message
- on AmigaLine BBS at (405) 354-8061....